Sankofa thrives with the support of a generous and caring community.

We stand on the shoulders of our sisters, advocates, & community partners to help provide safe spaces and services for Black birthing families. Join us in changing the landscape of maternal wellness in the Inland Empire.

California Black Women’s Health Project is the only statewide, non-profit organization that is solely committed to ​improving the health of California's 1.2 million Black women and girls through advocacy, education, outreach, and policy. We focus on empowering Black women to take personal responsibility for their own health and to advocate for changes in policies that negatively affect Black women's health status.

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Diversity Uplifts, Inc. is a direct service, consulting, and training 501(c)(3) non-profit organization determined to improve the well-being of women, birthing people, children and families by supporting marginalized and minority communities, while increasing cultural competence and humility among providers who serve them.

The California Black Infant Health (BIH) Program aims to improve health among Black mothers and babies by empowering pregnant and mothering Black women to make healthy choices for a brighter future.

The BIH Program focuses exclusively on empowering Black and African American women by connecting them with the vital care and support needed to promote healthy behaviors during pregnancy and continuing after her baby is born.

The Perinatal Equity Initiatives (PEI) of Riverside and San Bernardino counties have partnered to launch a maternal health equity campaign to increase awareness of the growing number of maternal and infant mortality in the Black community. 

The Institute for Community Partnerships (ICP) was created to make the wider organization's community engagement meaningful, coordinated, and strategic. Our focus is on the Inland Empire. This focus area extends to the desert areas of Riverside County and the high desert areas of San Bernardino County.

Kaiser Permanente has awarded over 36 organizations in San Bernardino County local community health grants. Kaiser Permanente has a mission to help eliminate health disparities and build healthier communities